Saturday, December 4, 2010


As time goes, seriously, i get quite lost myself. In the sense of people, friends and people again. Hmm. I know that all those comes from experience, i do. But still, when we think that we have learnt our lessons through the past experiences, how many of us are capable to avoid making the same mistake again, maybe this time, you're able to, but that doesnt guarantee the following time, you will still be able to do that, correctly.

People, hmm, maybe i ve lose trust in them, thats why u can see, ive been very very careful. Trust me, im not an idiot who just sits there quietly, but im just observing. I got so tired of all this that i dont want to get involve again. And then i see some, who did the same mistake as i do, then i realised, she learnt a lesson as well.

Oh yeah, and sometimes, when you think youre like a saint helping people around without any intention of wanting returns , ive found flaws. When people gain respect, they feel they gain the power, and here comes you. So why the talking? Why the explanation?! And that makes me confused because youre confused of whats going on. Alamakkk.

People come and go in life. I get that now. We are so busy trying to get in contact with people, in the hope that they stay longer in our journey of life. For some, we are too tired to try to keep up with them, or maybe get too sick of their betrayal we let them go. Thats how it works i supposed. I wonder they are the right thing to do. But ahh, i still feel there's no point hanging on someone who doesnt deserve it.


Sem One has come to an end. Sem Two is approaching. Lol. As weird as it could be, i cant wait for it to come. :D

Happy Holidays Peep and Do take care. <3

Some pixiess. :)).

Posture look a lil weird but ahh. WHO CARESSS!!. Lol.

Till then. :D


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