Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Its called the third stage!

On this sat and sun, many will be leaving. And trust me, though its not like im leaving on that weekend, but i have a feeling like you guys. Like a brand new beginning will take place real soon.

Ive been thinking a lot lately this couple of days. A lot of messy thoughts. And ppl would like haih, what do you need to think somore as u know, im heading to private U. Im taking pharm and damn im so worried. Im worried of the job opportunities as i was kinda shocked by the number of ppl taking up this course, alright, im being a lil exaggerative, around 4 including me. Then i went to a forum and start la the worrying session , they said bpharmers in imu really gotto study a lot. IM DOOOOMMMM. Just let me clarify this, yes i know, many of you will say that, "haiya, u can wan lah", but i knew at the end of the day , i am the one who has to work hard to verify this. Im not as smart and trust me, my hardworking-o-meter has really degrade since years ago. Im really scared that i cant cope all of this and end up crying like a baby again. And others, can just go study pharm LIKE THAT, i wonder if they worry like me.

Lets not talk about me. Talk about u guys who are heading to public local U. When i think of the fact that u guys are leaving, i cant help it but to feel a bit sad. Especially the close ones. Like NyingSher, oh crap,she is fraeking leaving to pahang, i cant even watch movie with her anymore, cant even tease her anymore, cant even have moments like lost the car key in the middle of the carpark and have to find it like morons when its actually INSIDE the car. HAHHAHAHAHA.
To come to think about it, I had a lot of moments with Miss Sim. Im really goonaa miss her. *tears in the eyes* Awwww.

I still have a week or so. Im gonna make good use of it. But still, its time to grow i guess, im gonna leaving home, leaving my queen sized bed, leave all this which is familiar to me and head to a place which is a total unknown to me. Im scared, yes i am, and im definitely gonna cry liek for the first four weeks, wow, thats too long, haha, maybe first five days. I have to depend on myself, wash eat clean study all by myself.

GOsh im reallly scared if i cant pass the papers then i will be like hang in the middle, Be like half pharmacist or something. :(

Its 250am. And im writing like some depressed kid.

I dont know why i feel obliged to not make ppl feel bad. Damn its tiring. And its a ONEWAY thing.

I tink im scared.



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