Friday, June 25, 2010

And the decision has been made.


Im busy last few days due to severe confusion and lotsa of thinking and talking sessions. So at last i chose Pharm Over Statistic . Yupe, thats my choice. I know theres lotsa pros and cons. And there is lotsa uncertainties in the future but ahh, like i can predict the future, so if the job prospect is ok and the course is fine then i guess I am in. I can tell you i almost die in choosing either of them, like seriously, who the hell wud know the exact answer, NOBODY, evryone can tell you their opinions on this and that, but the one who will bare with the consequence is YOU, alone.

So trust me, ive asked lotsa ppl, like LOL, damn lot of ppl. Some are helpful some arent, some feels its so complicated that they started giving some shitty comments which doesnt help at all. Some when i called them to talk about me they started talking about their mother and dinner. Some cant even help to just listen. Here comes the frens evaluation time. Lol. U see, when u need help and advice the most, when u just need a hand, some lend u one, some pushes you down the cliff, and some who watch u struggling at the edge of the cliff and let u MATI

But of cors, through all this, i can see some really helpful ones also, and shocking enuff, some arent even my closest frens. Maybe God want me to be independant or somewhat,babes are all gone for vacation when i need to talk to them the most. some actually called to just asked if ive made my decision and help me to deliberate, some assures me like i can do wonders in life, haha, some really helped me, gosh, i owe u guys man, u know who u guys are, maybe it ddint mean that much to u guys, but seriously when i was so FREAKING lost and u guys just show me the light, god, ok im exaggerating but ahh, ok, in short, THANK YOU ppl. =D

And duhh, im gonna be a pharmacist, i might suffer might cry, might even see the light Melinda always show to those floaties at times, but ahh, i hope i can make it. And i will try hard enough. Coz now its my mum who is paying. Gowd. :O

And talking about my mum, I tink i really owe her a big one. And her love is so much sometimes i feel like im so worthless. She is investing so much in me, and this investment doesnt have a guarantee that she will gain back some in the future. Nowadays, i get so worried, seriously, i realy dont like spending my mum;s money, thats why i was so reluctant to choose pharm that time due to the amount of cash we are gonna pay. Im gonna be a good kid, i will study even harder mum, dont worry. :D Ok i shuden continue anymore, GOD im gonna cry.

And u guys tell me ur bf or gf are the ones who love u guys the most, seriously, think again.

`Something came across my mind today, if theres a fren who cant actually defend u when issues arise, the fren instead ,stood by there, didint defend you though its all her fault just bcause she is afraid and scared to tell the truth, will u still stand by her side, and let forgive-and-forget be a solution to this matter? Trust me, i felt like killing all those ppl, literally. They dont deserve frens like, at all.

`And u know what, i m sick to just listen to you, you you and all about you, cant u at least listen to me for one time. And worse u, u always just make me feel worse, have a lil control on what uare about to say and sometimes u really make me feel worse when i need help the most. And when u need it, god, i have to act like some goddess to just comfort you. Whatever, it doesnt matter, i will not care anymore. Like seriously.

Ps. U know its hard when i need to put in photos so that you guys wont get bored with the WORDSSSS. Ahhhh.

Starbucks with val and will.

AND i really have a big huge head here, i hate my head. :(




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