Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello World

Yeah yeah, so now im back to blogspot after err, a couple of years. I feel the need to write all this down and that is why im writing this and the reason i , well, return here.

So yeah, i got my result. STPM result i mean. Its a 3A and 1B+. with cgpa of 3.83. Ok, seriously, like seriously, congratz isnt the word which i wanna hear, like really, i rather u show me the u-did-just-ok face than to congratz me, like seriously, congrats ar?! Dont get me wrong, but when u see those with straight a's, lol, yeah...., needless to elaborate more, u get me. And to get B isnt something that i think i can cope with, i mean yeahyeahm saying that B+ is darn near to A-, still theres a difference, at least in me there is. And one b+ makes hell lots of difference. iF u get me.

So next is the future path which i gotto decide right now. Ok, to be honest, although im doing this for the second time, i am still not good in it. When it comes to time when i need to make a decision which most probably will lead to my future life, i go yadayada and poof. And with all tthe stress and tension coming from all directions, screaming is what i would prefer, no, screaming out loud it is. So u can imagine with ur mum mumbling beside ur ears but not helping and , seniors or teachers who are only able to wish u luck and no more than that , and with your schoolmates who are also lost themselves, and make you feel even lost, PLUS the new responsbilities u need to shoulder from workplace. Only one word can describe all this, B-O-G-A-B-O-M. Yes.

Im thinking of actuarial science. And i really love maths, compared to memorising which medicine is good for which disease and how our metabolism and cells react to it. Well, i wont say that i have totally lost my interest in chem, in pharm, but to study and to work in this industry is a complete different thing. And im afraid that my passion isnt strong enough for me to find joy in my work, my career. Haih. But again, who knows the future rite? D:

So yeah, im lost, again.

I kinda lose faith in people as well. DOnt ask me how, it just happened. Its just, im actually hanging onto something which will turn out to be nothing and i kinda knew it by heart.

And about having another great frenship? Lol, i dont think it will work out either. People are selfish, why do i still care then!

I dont know.


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