Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm flawed too.

So holidays has come and is going to wave byebye to most of them, they are going back to their respective uni's. Its sad as undeniably we had great time didnt we?! Time to keep up and laugh with them, its awesome.

Hmmm, U know holidays is really bad for you, because you have too much time to think about stuffs which you usually ignore when youre schooling and working because youre either too busy or you do not even have to time to analyse and to find out the problem within it. Thats what I found out i supposed. And its no fun in doing all this, because i usually take a really long time to figure out the solution. And its universal known that , not all problems have solution.

Im not for your replacement. Please get that, im NOT for your replacement. I do not know if its a one way thing or what but somehow u made me feel so, so yeah, I am not for your replacement. Let me repeat this if you do not get me, I AM not for your replacement.
Its scary when i somehow need you, the outcomes were unbelievable. I dont even know where we stand. But no worries, there are lotsa more of me out there, hmm, lotsa of me.

And you know what makes up a fake person?
Literally, Someone who stab you right in front of you, leave you to bleed, remove the knife and throw it aside, and then start asking you what happened and ask if youre okay.

Thats how it defines.

As shitty as it is, i find it really hard to take all this u know, like acts from scenes in movies. Just act like a real person in front of me will do you no harm !

Stop acting like you care because i know u effing DONT, you care about yourself more than anything, everything else.
Stop acting like you know everything, because you dont, and i have already knew that and still i have to listen to your shits.
Stop acting like youre listening because youre not, and all you care is just your own effing curiosity, you dont listen, you ....just dont.
Stop acting like the world is perfect where people care about people and everyone loves each other because the world aint like that and you aint like that where people are just trying very hard to keep their boundaries from being invaded.
Stop acting like im idiot to not get what are u trying to say when you turn around the bushes. Im not stupid.

Stop putting the Blames on me. Just stop. Dont ask.


Im watching grey's this days and it has never failed to make me cry. Its not because im a weeper, im not exactly a major weeper, nuh uh not really but ahh oh well, i guess thats how grey's hold on to their fans, LIKEME .Season 6 is remarkably awesome. Am catchin season 7 now. Still as awesome. I like Yang, somehow. She is funny. LOL.

Another year is coming to an end, and oh well fellows, we have LIVED another year. WOOTS. Haha. awesome aint it? We should actually feel really blessed. Really blessed. :)

Im going to countdown in The Curve tmr, with babes, Hopefully itd be fun. :)

Happy New Year People. Have a blast. :D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Hans Zimmer's Soundtrack is just too awesome. Cant stop listening to it. Try christmas surprise and maestro. :)

We are all waiting for something aren't we? Lol. I can only say, gosh, we are trying so hard. Its rather funny at times, how stupidly and innocently we did all these.

Oh well, i guess sometimes we will be forgiven for being oblivious once in a while.

I went for a jog 7am this morning after getting one and half hour of sleep. Insane yeah?! LOL. I kinda like it to be honest. And then we went for breakfast at Mcdo. I should do that more in the future. :)

I am doing something really stupid now. Oh boy!


Monday, December 6, 2010


How scary it is when we found out sometimes, we cant make ourselves do the right thing.

And then who will lead us back to the right track?

I wonder.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


As time goes, seriously, i get quite lost myself. In the sense of people, friends and people again. Hmm. I know that all those comes from experience, i do. But still, when we think that we have learnt our lessons through the past experiences, how many of us are capable to avoid making the same mistake again, maybe this time, you're able to, but that doesnt guarantee the following time, you will still be able to do that, correctly.

People, hmm, maybe i ve lose trust in them, thats why u can see, ive been very very careful. Trust me, im not an idiot who just sits there quietly, but im just observing. I got so tired of all this that i dont want to get involve again. And then i see some, who did the same mistake as i do, then i realised, she learnt a lesson as well.

Oh yeah, and sometimes, when you think youre like a saint helping people around without any intention of wanting returns , ive found flaws. When people gain respect, they feel they gain the power, and here comes you. So why the talking? Why the explanation?! And that makes me confused because youre confused of whats going on. Alamakkk.

People come and go in life. I get that now. We are so busy trying to get in contact with people, in the hope that they stay longer in our journey of life. For some, we are too tired to try to keep up with them, or maybe get too sick of their betrayal we let them go. Thats how it works i supposed. I wonder they are the right thing to do. But ahh, i still feel there's no point hanging on someone who doesnt deserve it.


Sem One has come to an end. Sem Two is approaching. Lol. As weird as it could be, i cant wait for it to come. :D

Happy Holidays Peep and Do take care. <3

Some pixiess. :)).

Posture look a lil weird but ahh. WHO CARESSS!!. Lol.

Till then. :D